This feature was removed from the Europa (3.3) release. See bug 197335 for details.Context sensitive help allows you to assign a help page to an SWT widget. When it works it is a thing of beauty. When it doesn't it can be a small nightmare to debug. I'm not going into details about how to use context sensitive help since it is well documented in the Eclipse IDE. What isn't covered is how to use tracing to help you debug.

In your run configuration click on the tracing tab. Enable tracing and select the following plugins and all of the trace options for each plugin.
ContextManager.getContext(org.eclipse.ui.problem_view_context) ContextManager.getContext(org.eclipse.ui.problem_view_context) ContextManager.getContext(org.eclipse.ui.problem_view_context)The context id is "problem_view_context" and is associated with plugin "org.eclipse.ui".